Alice Guy-Blache (Owner of AGB Studios)
Amara (Queen Charlotte Assistant)
Anna ( Indonesian 20 something Female)
Aunt Jennifer Davis (Star and Trey's Aunt)
Brandon (Trey's High School Friend)
Butler Man
Chinese Trader
Cindy Thompson (12-18 Star's High School Friend)
Cynthia Smith (Malik's Mom)
David Little (Malcolm's Dad)
Dekalb County Representative
Delivery Person
Dutch Settler
Emir Abu
Granddad Kevin Adams
Grandmother Lyann Adams
Indigenous Tribesperson
Javanese Sultan
Jazmin Wright
Jewel Wright ( Professor)
Josh (Shopkeeper)
King Alara (Malik)
Lady Ashford
Lady Craven
Lady-In-Waiting Beatrice
Lauren Davis (8-12 girls)
Layla Davis (8-12 girls)
Local Artisan
Malcolm Little (15-18 Malik's High School Friend)
Malcolm Little (18-25 Malik's High School Friend)
Malik Smith (15-18)
Malik Smith (Male Lead)
Maliks' Assistant (Keith Francis)
Mansa Musa
Marcus Washington (Henchman)
Mayor's Assistant (Travis Johnson)
Merchant 1
Merchant 2
Merchant 3
Mr. Keys (Book Store Owner)
Mr. Wilson ( Bank CEO)
Noble 1
Noble 2
Noble 3
Pharaoh Tutankhamun (17-20)
Prince Heqanefer
Queen Charlotte
Queen Kasaqa (Star)
Richard Smith (Malik's Dad)
School Administrator (Tiffany Jordan)
Shadowy Figure
Sharon Little (Malcolm's Mom)
Simone Walker ( Malcolm's Girl Friend)
Street Vendor
Student 1 (High School)
Student 2 (High School)
Student 3 (High School)
Sultan- Al- Nasir
The Mayor
The Mayor's Assistant
Tom (The Banker)
Treasure Star Adams (15-18)
Treasure Star Adams (8-12)
Trenton Adams ((Star and Trey's Dad)
Trey Adams (8-12 Star's Brother)
Trey Adams (18-25 Star's Brother)
Trinity Adams (Star and Trey's Mom)
Uncle Leonard Davis (Star and Trey's Uncle)
Waitress (Female) Pizzeria
Young Boy (High School Student)